Your annuity payments certainly help offset your financial situation, but sometimes they might not be enough. If only there were a way you could get a lump sum instead of small, ongoing payments. Actually, there is a way to do just that. You can sell your annuity. However, that’s not necessarily the best choice for you – there are things you need to know before you sell your annuity to ensure that you’re making the right decision.
Check Local Laws
One thing you need to do before anything else is check your state laws in regards to annuity sales. Each state has its own requirements, in addition to federal laws governing the transfer of annuities, and you’ll need to make sure you’re in compliance with all of them. If necessary, contact an attorney to help you understand the process, your obligations and the laws that apply to you.
How Much Money?
Another consideration here will be the amount of money you can get for your annuity. Don’t think that you’ll get 100% of the money remaining to you – it doesn’t work that way. Most funding companies offer a percentage of what you have coming, but there are other mitigating factors, including how your payments are set up, the total amount of the annuity and more. You’ll also find that funding companies vary just like banks in regard to the terms they offer, so shopping around is pretty important. Just as you would compare lenders, you need to compare funding companies to arrive at the best choice for your needs.
Get Multiple Offers
Given the need to compare different offers, it’s necessary that you find a way to get multiple offers when you decide to sell annuity. This can be difficult to do on your own. However, there are brokerages that can make the process simple and easy. These brokers offer the means to start receiving quotes from buyers within just minutes, and there’s no need for you to try to locate and contact individual funding companies on your own.
With the information above, you should find that making the decision on whether to sell your annuity is simpler. Of course, there will be a lot of decision to make, but working with a reputable brokerage and following the tips listed above will ensure that you can make an informed choice about the sale.