The following paragraph is receiving most of the attention from Ms. Bentzen's most recent blog post.
"A price is just a price - one that any self-serving individual could claim to have the best of, especially when quoting it to someone who doesn’t truly understand the ins and outs of the business. It’s what comes with that price that makes it all make sense in the end. "
Is there a deeper meaning behind the following excerpt? "A price is just a price- one that any self-serving individual could claim to have the best of," but a price is not just a price, the price is everything. I'm sure most tort victims that are factoring structured settlement payments would like the extra $x,xxx- $xx,xxx, and in some cases come with a guarantee that the transaction will be completed in 6 weeks.
Ms. Bentzen may not have superior pricing, but she offers her experience in the structured settlement primary market as a substitution. While this is a great background to have, many other individuals in the factoring industry have similar backgrounds with insurance products.
Ms. Bentzen's overall blog post was a well written marketing post aimed at her clients, but the final paragraph should have been left out. It does not make sense, and many of her past and current clients are most likely questioning the prices she quoted them over the years.