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We at Structuredsettlement-quotes.com want to promote the financial well-being of College students while they are completing their studies. In furtherance of this goal, we are offering two scholarship awards (a 1st and 2nd place prize) to the best essays submitted by those students invited to enter as detailed below.


The Application Essay

You just inherited $100,000.00 in cash. How will you preserve and spend these funds in a manner that is a combination of fiscally responsible, socially responsible and with the view of preserving the support of you and your educational endeavours.

Describe what your weekly budget might look like, how much you plan to spend of the $100,000 versus how much to invest and what investment strategy would you deploy to realize your short, medium and longer term needs/goals.

As part of this essay, describe what resources and advice you would seek out and how would you go about locating these.

Submit By Email


Please apply from your school's email, with your application. In addition to your essay, make sure to include a short bio about yourself, your contact information, your school activities (i.e. do you edit your school's paper, are you on an athletic team, etc.) and include a photo which we may use in future promotions such as this scholarship.

Dealflow Medios (DFM) escribió en su reciente cable de liquidación estructurada que 321 Henderson, JG Wentworth afiliado se le negó una transacción en Nueva York la semana pasada. En su DFM informe señala que un 90% de descuento se aplica al caso. El informe no especificó los pagos exactos que se vendían, pero el artículo preveía unos números con los que podemos hacer unos cálculos.

Se informó que JG Wentworth estaba comprando $ 102,948.57 de los pagos futuros por un importe neto de 10.500 dólares. DFM afirma que esta operación tiene una tasa del 10,2%, lo que es falso. Operaciones de factoring de liquidación estructurada tienen un precio con tasas de descuento. La tasa de esta transacción fue de 8,78%, lo que en realidad es un buen precio. A pesar de que esta operación tenía una buena tasa de descuento, la operación de factoring no sería en el mejor interés del asegurado debido a la motivación de la transacción.

Settlement Quotes habría denunciado que este individuo intenta otros recursos para comprar un vehículo. Retirando dinero en una liquidación estructurada para la compra de un vehículo es la mayor parte del tiempo, no en el mejor interés de una persona, especialmente con los crecientes costos de la energía.

En el futuro, dealflow medios debe utilizar una verborrea correcta al reportar casos de factoring de liquidación estructurada. Settlement Quotes ha construido varias calculadoras que son capaces de calcular la tasa de descuento de todo tipo de operaciones de factoring. JG Wentworth o cualquier otra empresa hubieran tratado de factorizar una transacción con una tasa de descuento del 90%, lo que habría dejado el beneficiario con un centavo.

Key Deciding Factors

These are some of the key things we'll be looking for:

  • Originality and Thoroughness
  • Research and Attention to Details
  • Writing style, and Clarity
  • School team and club involvement


for 1st-place Winner
for 2nd-place Winner

Terms, Rules, and Requirements

To qualify for the scholarships, please confirm that you meet the following terms:


The terms are as follows:

  • Must Be Enrolled In a US College
  • Essay be a minimum of 700 words long
  • Submit Via Email, in a PDF file format
  • Essay must be unique

With Application, Include:

  • Full Legal Name
  • Contact Information
  • School Email
  • Other Enrolled School Activities
  • School Address
  • Your Major


StructuredSettlement-Quotes.com will select a winner based on our discretion. We will notify them by email and/or by phone number provided. Funds will be remitted on your behalf directly to your school for tuition and fees. All submitted essays, whether winning or not, may be published on our or our affiliate websites.

By submitting your essay and contact information to structuredsettlement-quotes.com you agree to our privacy policy.

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